START2ACT to collaborate with

START2ACT to collaborate with

We are happy to announce that START2ACT has been featured on the Marketplace of!

The START2ACT Marketplace entry, that you can find here is part of a platform that collects solutions for ICT companies that would like to reduce their carbon footprint.

In fact, ICTFOOTPRINT is az EU-funded project that helps ICT intensive organisations to become greener with the help of a variety of online tools (such as the self-assessment tool), webinars and face-to-face workshops.

As both START2ACT and ICTFOOTPRINT work hard to make different types of European companies more energy efficient, our project was happy to take on the role of contributor for one of their upcoming webinars. Stay tuned to find out when it's going to take place and to hear more about what we are doing and how we can help you!

Until then, follow ICTFOOTPRINT and START2ACT on Twitter and Facebook:


START2ACT: Twitter // Facebook

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