At the fourth conference PRO-ENERGY FORUM (22nd May 2018) you will enjoy a fruitful discussion with experts of wide range of energy sectors in a non-formal atmosphere of Pezinok, Slovakia.

The PRO-ENERGY FORUM is a follow-up to conferences held in 2011-2013 in Slovakia and is a sister conference to the PRO-ENERGY CON in the Czech Republic, which this year will take a place for the eighth time.

The international conference PRO-ENERGY FORUM is a meeting of representatives and leading experts of all energy sectors. The conference offers the opportunity to exchange views and attitudes on the current energy issues with other professionals in the field and to establish new contacts in a non-formal atmosphere.

The conference PRO-ENERGY FORUM is a one-day international event. Two morning blocks will focus on current developments and trends in the energy sector in Slovakia. The afternoon section will then focus on wider prospects of carbon-free energy. Discussion will be held in Slovak/Czech and English (interpretation will be ensured).

The conference is hosted by ENERGY-HUB s.r.o. (the stakeholder of the START2ACT project), the publisher of the Czech and Slovak energy magazine PRO-ENERGY Magazine, together with KUVOZE - the Chamber of Users and Producers of Renewable Energy Sources.

To register or get more information please visit the page or contact:

Ing. Martin Havel, PhD., editor of the PRO-ENERGY magazine, garant of the conference:

Mgr. Markéta Šimková, technical support and registration:

A nap energiamegtakarítási tippje!
Új eszközök beszerzésénél ne csak az árat, hanem az üzemeltetési költségeket is vedd figyelembe. A 10-20 évig fennálló költségeket a második tényező fogja meghatározni.

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